- Patent family trees now include non-US patents.
- The entire family is shown (previously limited to 30 patents).
- We added the ability to zoom and pan to make it easier to view family trees for large families.
- A pop-out option that you can use with your browser in full-screen mode to make it easier to view large families.
Here is an example of a smaller patent family for US patent 10,152,973:
Here is an example of a more complicated patent family for US patent 10,533,013:
Here is an example of a more complicated patent family for US patent 10,533,013:
As a practitioner, I have found it difficult to quickly understand the status of larger patent families and in particular the non-US patents in the families. With our family trees you will find this much easier.
Our PatentPlex is currently a free product (login required), but in the future we may require a subscription for access.
Please let us know what other features you would like us to add to our family trees.